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Heat-resistant steel castings


Heat-resistant steel castings refer to steel that works at high temperatures. Because this material has the functions of heat resistance, corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance, it is called heat-resistant steel castings. The development of heat-resistant steel castings is closely related to the technological progress of various industrial sectors such as power stations, boilers, gas turbines, internal combustion engines, and aircraft engines. Due to the different temperatures and stresses used by various machines and devices, as well as the different environments in which they are located, the types of steel used are also different. The production of heat-resistant steel castings adopts lost foam casting, which has low cost and smooth surface, and is deeply loved by customers.

The earliest material used in boilers and heating furnaces was low-carbon steel, which was generally used at a temperature of about 200°C and a pressure of only 0.8MPa. Until now, the low-carbon steel used in boilers, such as 20g, has a use temperature of no more than 450°C and a working pressure of no more than 6MPa. With the continuous increase in the use temperature of various power units and the rapid increase in working pressure, the use temperature of modern heat-resistant steel has reached 700°C, and the use environment has become more complex and demanding. At present, the operating temperature range of heat-resistant steel is 200-1300℃, the working pressure is from several MPa to tens of MPa, and the working environment has developed from a simple oxidizing atmosphere to a more complex environment such as a sulfiding atmosphere, a mixed atmosphere, and molten salt and liquid metal.

Cement rotary kiln is used to calcine clinker from limestone, clay, etc. to produce cement. Cement production should go through "two grindings and one burning" (i.e. raw material grinding system, clinker calcining system and cement grinding system). Among them, the clinker calcining system is a thermal process that burns cement raw materials into cement clinker at high temperature, which is an extremely important and critical stage in cement production. Heat-resistant steel castings are more commonly used in cement kilns, mainly kiln mouth guards, chains, etc. Our heat-resistant steel products also include material trays, grate cooler grate plates, hanging plates, etc. If you need them, you can consult us. There is contact information on the page.

Heat Resistant Steel catsing

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